
When I decided to get serious about photography, the idea was to do something that would bring balance to life. A hobby (now my passion) that I could do on my spare time and a hobby I would have complete control over. I had a steep learning curve, being self-taught and inspired by nature. I have made my share of technical mistakes at the start, but it was all part of the process and I would not change anything.


One of my approach to nature photography that’s hard to understand for many and even more so with the way many of us connected through social media. Was to go out along when I want to take pictures. I feel it’s the main reason why my pictures got better and why I have a silly smile on my face most of the time. We all need a certain amount of solitude in life, a time with no human related distraction to solve life and work problems and to be fully aware of my surrounding and in my own way being creative. Even before I read the research, nature was bringing peace or a term that’s often used today, wellness. Nature photography bringing a smile to my face.


That was the case when I headed out on a cold morning, walking in knee deep snow. I came out of the trees and looked to my right, a moose calf was startled and moved closer to its mother. The mother looked at me for a few seconds, I decided to create some space between us. As I was moving away, I had an idea for a picture that would include the moose, trees, the Alpen glow in the sky and part of the snow covered river. The female moose and her calf were back to eating twigs and I was relaxed enjoying the morning. The heavy blanket of snow was also doing a great job keeping distracting sounds away. Made some setting adjustment and got the pictures I wanted. I had a smile on my face as I looked around, I had three options for a unique sunrise picture as well.

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