Crowfoot Glacier

For this image of the Crowfoot Glacier or part of that glacier, it was a very relaxing experience. Sitting back and looking at the whole glacier. I watched the light and shadow change as the sun rose. Looking at the rock and ice in contrast to the exposed mountain side. Zooming in and out, trying to find a picture within a picture. A Common Raven was nearby, kept me company and hoped for food it never received. For a short period of time that day, the glacier had my full attention. As I thought about the first time I saw it and all the other times since, I have looked at it from below and face to face after hiking on the opposite side of the valley. Seeing it through all four seasons, winter time is the best by far. I love the colour of the old ice, somewhere between blue and green, and the warm colours in the exposed rocks. And those few trees on the right side, well, talk about growing in the extreme. I got the picture I wanted, and I had time for my mind to wander and relax.