Mount Rundle

Landscape photography, I find, is the most relaxing part of nature photography. I would go as far as saying it’s rather peaceful. It helps when I tend to look for spots with no one else around. That way, I can enjoy the sounds of nature while watching the scenery change and waiting for the sky or peaks to light up. Waiting and picking out the sounds of birds I can hear as my mind identifies them. That morning, thanks to all the spruce cones on the trees, crossbills were filling the air with their calls.


When I got to the parking lot for this image, no one else was in the area. I still went to a location where no one would follow. There were still twenty minutes to go before I thought the colours would pop on the clouds. There was one possible problem on that very windy morning. The ice I was standing on was not going anywhere, but the clouds were moving fast, heading east. The set of clouds that were there when I arrived, would be gone when the sunlight would hit them. But would the next set of clouds move into place? In the end, I missed out on the reds, but I did get the warm yellow colours to end the peaceful outing.