Mealy Primrose

With the lack of snow over the winter and the early start of the warm weather, everything seems to be two to three weeks early. A few weeks ago, I was looking at glacier lilies starting to bloom and other flowers as well. I was having a quiet walk around the lake, looking at the wildflowers and birding in the background. After having a quick chat with a friend/colleague who was training new team members, I had the trail to myself. Until my walk back to the parking lot. Time goes by fast when photography opportunities go up during the spring. When I saw this very small mealy primrose with dew growing next to the inlet water to the alpine lake. I spent five to ten minutes trying to get the right image, with only the flower in focus and those nice light circles formed in the background. The circles get formed when spots of reflective light on the water become out of focus. As is always the case, when I have the space and the time, I can take the time to show all the beauty of the flower in an image.