
I was trying to rush to get my pictures of the star trails, knowing the moon would soon be coming over the Fairholme Range. Once the moon made its appearance, I liked the way the landscape looked and the way the snow spread the light, so I continued taking more images until the moon was too high and reflecting too much light.

Until next moment,




It was a cold morning and I was waiting for the moon to just get into the position when it was just starting to go back of the Sawback Range. As I waited I was deciding how to compose the images, what to include and what not to. Then took I took the picture when the moon was in the position.

Until next moment,




I was not able to take any pictures of the supermoon lunar eclipse because of the clouds, but I was able to get one of the moon the following night rising over Tunnel Mountain.

Until next moment,




Always looking to take pictures of the Moon and for me a good picture of the Moon include the clouds. In this picture the clouds seem to give the Moon motion, even though the Moon is in motion in space, moving very fast around the Earth.

Until next moment,



Moon over Massive Trance

When I'm taking pictures, I'm very much in my own little world. While other photographers were looking toward the direction of the sunrise, I was more focused on the moon setting. Trying to locate a location where I would be able to get the picture of the moon when it started setting behind the Massive Range. I could have done both, but I noticed the sky was clear, so no warm colours on the sunrise side. I started to snap away, as the moon got close to setting behind one of the peaks. Timing was on my side,  top of the peak was lit by the morning light before the moon set. Great way to start the day. 

Until next moment, 


Moon over Sawback Range

About a billion years ago the moon was only about 200,000 Kilometers away from earth, instead of the now 384,000 Kilometers. It would have taken the moon 20 days to orbit the earth instead of over 27 days today. The tide would have been much stronger as well and during the full moon phase, you would not have needed sunglasses but the light reflected to the earth would have been immense. The moon's relationship with the earth is in constant change as the moon continues drifting away. 

Until next moment, 




Moon and Howse Peak

Most of us know when the sun will be rising and setting, but very few of us are aware what the moon is up to, other then when it is a full moon.  Before I go out I like to know where the moon is in the sky, keeping  my options open for photo opportunities with it. I had my eyes on the moon as its was heading for the back of Waputik Range. After taking number of shots, this was the one I liked the most, the moon setting behind Howse Peak. 

Until next moment, 


Moon over Goat's Eye Mountain

I was headed to Sunshine's parking lot, when I looked toward my left and up, I saw the moon rising. I wanted to take a picture of it, it was just a matter of composition. When I came by Goat's Eye Mountain, I knew I had my picture. The plane was a bonus.

Until next moment,



Never time to rest, I was about to go inside after a busy day. Looked toward the sky and saw the moo to the right of Mount Rundle. Quickly took few pictures before going inside.

Until next moment,


Full Moon

The wait was much longer then the time I had to take the picture of the full moon, before it cleared the Tunnel Mtn. The moon was just visible through the thin layer of cloud, producing a bit of a halo effect. Was happy with this simple picture.

Until next moment,


Moon over Mount Pilot

For few days before I got this picture, I was trying to capture the image with the moon setting over the mountains. But the light level difference on the moon compared to that on the mountains was not close enough to get a good picture. Well on day three it all came togeather, getting the picture just before the moon went behind Mount Pilot.

Until next moment,



I tried to get pictures of the full moon, but the clouds had the final say. It was a different story few days ago, when I was able to get this picture as the moon was making its way over Mount Rundle.

Until next moment,


Above the Clouds

I was busy checking for signs of wildlife along the river, when I looked south east. Storm clouds were moving in, with a touch of wildfire smoke mixed in and right above it all was the moon. Zoomed in with my lens and took the picture before the clouds covered it.

Until next moment,


Bident Mountain and the Moon

Patience is a very important part of becoming a better photographer. I saw the moon making its way over Bident Mountian, but I felt if I waited I could get a better picture. The sun would be lower, giving warmer light, keeping my fingers crossed that the clouds would not block the light. As well, I wanted the moon to appear closer and more over the mountain. So for an hour I went to play elsewhere and on my return the picture I took was waiting for me.

Until next moment,


Full Moon

It was overcast most of the day, did not think I was going to see the full moon rise. I was on my way to pick up the grocery when I looked up, there was opening in the night sky and I was seeing the moon light from behind the mountain. I had to react fast, so stepped inside and grabbed the camera. The moon was rising fast from my angle over Tunnel Mtn and it was in and out of fast moving clouds. Kept taking pictures hand holding the camera, was liking the way outline of the trees on the mountain were showing up. Only had couple of minutes before it was time to stop and pick up the grocery.

Until next moment,


Half Moon

Sometime it just small thing that makes or breaks an image or just makes it that much more interesting. I saw the two peaks front of me with fresh snow, looking very winterish. But was not plaining to take a picture until the clouds created a space to unveil  the half-moon. Then quickly grabbed the camera, composed and took the attached image.

Until next moment,


Moon over Mount Little

I was visiting Moraine Lake late in the day for a possible picture, but the heavy wind was not helping. The wind was not going to give me a clear reflection in the water I was hoping for. On the way toward the lake I had spotted the moon setting above the nearby mountains.  I drove few kilometers  away from the lake and pulled over. The moon was making its way back of Mount Little and a ray of sunlight was hitting Fay Glacier. I had to act fast, because from my angle the moon was making a quick move downward. Quickly snapped the zoom lens onto to the camera and started taking pictures. Just in time I got the picture I wanted.

Until next moment,
