Great horned Owl

As we get closer to the month of December, the birders get more and more excited. It will be Christmas Bird Count time. For those of us living in the Bow Valley, the Banff and Canmore Christmas Bird Count will be taking place on Saturday December the 14. Hop over to for more information, for the locals and those perhaps who will be visiting the valley and would like to participate.


There’s something for everyone, from the most experienced birder to someone who will be going out for the very first time. All is needed, is to be dressed for the weather and have open ears and eyes, a big bonus if you have binoculars. If you’re spending more than a few hours out there, energy in the form of liquids and or solids comes in handy, for me chocolate plays that role. I have not come across any scientific research on the topic, but I do feel the more chocolate I consume the more birds I likely to see. It’s a great way to spend the time outside and all the information we gather gives us a better understanding how our feathered friends are doing.

Great horned Owl 191128 Amar Athwal.jpg