
A few times each winter I just like to go for a drive on 93 North. As long as the weather is good for driving, it’s a great way to check on several different areas and see how places look compared to previous winters. Plus, it’s my favourite drive. I left well before the sunrise in order to get pictures of it. But that morning there were more clouds than open sky, preventing the bright sunrise. Still, it was great to be out there, many of the peaks covered with snow and the glaciers were showing their beautiful winter blue colour. I started paying attention to the moon. Stopping a few times along the way to get pictures of the moon with a peak in the foreground. As the moon got closer and closer to setting behind the mountains, the pictures started to look better. As too many times, the best picture was the last one. Capturing it less than a km before reaching Jasper National Park. With lack of other vehicles on the road, the relaxing road trip continued to see if I could locate mountain goats further ahead.

Moon 210115 Amar Athwal.jpg