Boreal Chickadee

On my way back to my car, I had decided to wander through an open area surrounded on both sides by woodland. I was walking or trying to walk without breaking through the snow crust. I stopped when I heard birds, there were over hundred Common Redpolls with few Pine Siskins sprinkled in. Moving slowly toward them, hoping with each step I would not step through the crust and startle them. After getting close enough and started taking their pictures and at the same time I could hear behind me Boreal Chickadees. When I looked back, they were a few feet away. I went back to taking pictures of the redpolls, waiting until the chickadees were little farther away. Then slowly turned completely toward the chickadees and started getting better pictures. As long as I did not make any quick moves, chickadees were fine with me, I slowly moved to get into a better position. They were great models to work with, always within 3 to 4 meters from me, giving me one great pose after another. It was one of those moments when I knew right away I was getting good images, no need to look at the LCD. When they started moving away, I turned around to learn the redpolls were gone. It was time to move on.

Boreal Chickadee 210122 Amar Athwal.jpeg