Yellow_rumped Warbler

The fall migration of birds started in late August. Many species have moved on to their winter homes, some are on their way and others will start that journey soon. Timing depends on the food they require on their journey, how far they must go and how cold weather they can stand. Last week I saw an Orange-crowned Warbler and a few days ago, a Wilson’s Warbler. But the warbler I’m more likely to see around this is the Yellow-rumped Warbler. They are not as common as they are during late spring and summer, but with a little effort I’ll come across one or two. Just yesterday I heard its familiar chipping sound. One was moving among the branches of a balsam poplar, looking for insects to feed on. Not a lot of live insects around this time of the year, but many dead ones are stuck to the branches. When I got this picture, there were several birds, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Golden-crowned Kinglets, Mountain Chickadees and at least one Ruby-crowned Kinglet that almost made a complete call that we are used to hearing during spring and summer. Probably a juvenile that was practicing for a later time. And this being the fall colour season, I had to try getting some of the colours in the background.