Mallard Duck

Mallard Ducks are found across North America and Eurasia. With Mallard being so widespread, leading to a number of populations around the world. Some of those populations have changed enough to be considered separate species. Two examples are the Mexican Duck and the Hawaiian Duck. Mallards tend to pair well before the spring breeding season. With Mallard Ducks, only the female incubates the eggs and looks after the ducklings. As this female does with eight ducklings. Mallards are strong fliers, reaching 90 km per hour. The Mallard’s sound or quack, we are so familiar with is the sound of a female Mallard. Males have a much quieter sound. This female was quiet when I would see her sitting on the nest, watching me across the water as I walked by on the trail. Only five days earlier, she was still on the nest. The morning of this shot, the family was resting under the warm morning light.