Pine Grosbeak

One of the birds I look for in late fall and winter is the Pine Grosbeaks. Bringing some colour to the cold days. These robin size finches have greyish bodies, topped by pinkish red for the males and yellow on the females. With their thick bills, they can easily crush seeds and remove tree buds and needles of the spruce trees. Pine Grosbeaks tend to eat lots of plants, but to make it easier for the nestlings to consume food, the adults regurgitate a mixture of vegetables and insects. They are found across Canada, but can vary in size and small colour difference. They can be tame, making it a bit easier to get their picture. On a late cold frosty morning, I saw two males and one female. They were slowly moving toward me as they fed. Even with them being tame, I stayed put to get them close enough to get this picture of a male on a frosty branch. Bringing colour to an overcast day.