Mallard Ducks

After I took pictures of the sunset, I packed up, and I started to make my way home. I was fifty meters into my walk when I noticed something was flying. Turning my head, I noticed it was five Mallard Ducks. I’m pretty sure they were the same ones I have been seeing in the area since last summer. They were born last summer, and they had decided to spend their first winter in the Canadian Rockies. They had survived a couple of cold spells, including the long one in December and early January. Either a predator got them into the air or perhaps they were moving to the bigger open water area for safety during the night. After they had made one circle, I thought it was too late to get their picture with the remaining sunset colours. But they decided to make one more circle, and this time I was ready with the camera in hand. As they started to descend, I got a picture of them and the warm colours of the sunset.